Wednesday, September 15, 2010

End of Day Informe

Today I successfully finished all of my schoolwork. I really need to work on posting every day.

Weird Word Wednesday

A circle of light or brightness surrounding something.

But Not That Kind.------------------------>

Friday, September 10, 2010

Book of The Week

My all-time favorite book is the Lord of The Rings trilogy. That is my solid and wholehearted opinion. If anybody who reads my blog hasn't read it, do. Now. I won't even tell you what it's about, I'll only say that it's fantastic and you should read it. So read it. It's fantastic.

End of Day Informe

Yesterday I completed all of my schoolwork. The last few days I have, just Haven't gotten around to posting.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

History Book

Today's passage from history is a miraculous story about unimaginable odds. a group of only 300 spartans were sent to secure a pass until the rest of their army could arrive. The pass, called the pass of Thermopylae I think, had high sides and a narrow road. On the other side, there was a large field. Sometime later, an army of 10,000 or so Persians was ready to invade. In a long gruesome battle, the spartans had managed to hold off any kill many of the Persians until the rest of their army arrived and defeated all of the Persians. For the whole version, look it up somewhere. It is a very cool story.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Weird word Wednesday

A lung disease caused by breathing in a certain volcanic particle.
I learned this word when I was 3 or 4.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Book of The Week

I stand (sit) corrected. I just finished the last half of this book this morning. In two hours. It was that amazing. Much better than the first, although this one was slower to start than the first. The games were fiercer, more dangerous, more interesting, much better. during reading, I was thinking that I should stop. Do something else for a little. But no. I was also thinking, dang, this is awesome. I won't stop until I finish. That is what happened. I guess that part of my thoughts or thinkings is a little more persuasive.

Book of The Week

I am currently reading this book. In my opinion so far, It isn't as good as the first one. It is a really slow start, which is strange for a sequel. Many other #2's I've read like Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings start out by pulling you into the book. This book was honestly very hard for me to get into at the beginning, unlike the first. Other than that, this book has been good. I've heard some comments about the part of the book that I'm at. Her and Peeta are just about to go into the games again. The quarter quell. All in all, this has been a good book. Just not as good as the first.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weird Word Wednesday

adjective formal
Weekly. (used esp. of organizations that met weekly)
"I have a hebdomadal club with my friends."

A Thought to Think

"Law is force."
-Frederic Bastiat


I just got smacked into another reality whilst reading last night. If you know me, you might find out what that is. If not, who doesn't love a mystery? Muahahaha!

Book of The Day

Today, this is my first class. Early starts rock! Something about me sleeping in messes up my whole day. Anyway, This book is about some general ways to become rich. A man named Bansir wanted to be rich. He told his idea to a friend, Kobbi. They decided to go and visit a friend named Arkad, who was the richest man in the city, except for the king. He gathered up many other men who wanted money too. He held a giant class and began teaching them "The Seven Cures to a Lean Purse." It is a great book and if you would like to learn more about it, read it for yourself. Although it is teaching something, it tells it like a fiction book, which makes it easy to read. So far, in all the books I've read, you can only get rich by spending more money. What's up with that?